World Bullying Prevention Month with Lisa Phillips 🫂
Sounds Like Impact: A newsletter for audio and action
Welcome to Sounds Like Impact!
This edition we have a guest curation from Lisa Phillips, host of From Now On, about bullying prevention. Also, I’m introducing (or rather, formalizing) a new segment of the intro section called Into the Stacks. Read on for more!
Content Warning: Given the difficult subject matter, please take care should you choose to listen to the curated playlist. You may be interested in resources, whether as an ally or someone in need of support, that can be found on the Allyship CTA page or the Public Health CTA page. Also, you can always suggest resources for the Calls-to-Action pages by leaving a comment for review.
ICYMI: Last edition I interviewed Eric Marcus from Making Gay History podcast.
#SLI Community
Congrats on publishing Liberating Abortion: Claiming Our History, Sharing Our Stories, and Building the Reproductive Future We Deserve to Renee Bracey Sherman and Regina Mahone! Renee and Regina are the hosts of The A-Files: A Secret History of Abortion. Make sure to check out our interview about their podcast from earlier this year and read these recent interviews about their new book in The Meteor and FEMINIST.
Jessica Valenti, who writes
, also released a book earlier this month called Abortion: Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the Truths We Use to Win.
Into the Stacks
Things I’ve read across the Substack universe that have relevance to subject matter we cover on Sounds Like Impact.
- , from What I’m Reading from launched a podcast. The first episode was about student debt forgiveness. Late last year we did a curation on the state of higher education, including student debt, which you can find here.
Jade S. Sasser, PhD, creator of podcast and now book, Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question, was interviewed on
. The show was featured in this curation on climate emotions, and if this topic is of further interest, please check out last year’s interview with Pippa Johnstone about her podcast Expectant.- , from Neurodivergent Black Girl, wrote this heart-wrenching and enraging piece about seeking healthcare as someone with debilitating chronic health problems and freelancer status.
Speaking of being at the intersections with your blackness dictating the care you receive in this country, NBC News published this piece (which I first saw on What I’m Reading) about prescription drug hikes hitting Black patients the hardest. Curious about drug pricing? Definitely listen to this Tradeoffs mini-series “Race to the Bottom.” For more on how Sounds Like Impact has covered healthcare, look at this curation on debt and this interview with the team behind National Emergency.
- , from Just Impact, wrote about the local elections in California, and things are not looking good for criminal justice reform. For more about the challenges facing current District Attorney George Gascón, Imperfect Paradise released a 4-episode mini-series that is worth a listen. I’m begging all Californians and others to listen to and share these curations “Tales of Mass Incarceration” and “Nothing Just About Juvie.” There is too much at stake!
Reminder: To guest curate, be interviewed, advertise and more, click here.
🎧 #AudioForAction Guest Curator: Lisa Phillips
World Bullying Prevention Month Podcasts
We are part of a movement to shift the focus from abusers to survivors. This World Bullying Prevention month is a perfect time to reframe what we focus on in our storytelling, our own internal narratives, and how we can create safer environments for ourselves and those around us. We wanted to highlight shows that bring forward 360-degree view of survivors, emphasizing that they are more than the stories tied to their names. We also want to help people recognize red flags, advocate for self-empowerment, and hold abusive power structures accountable. There is power in sharing your story, and we think these episodes are great examples of just that.
-Lisa Phillips, Host of From Now On with Lisa Phillips
Follow Lisa on LinkedIn and From Now On on Instagram.

What Came Next, [Alison Jones-Lockwood] Start by Believing
Depresh Mode, Kari Faux Stands Up to Her Original Bully.
Breaking Bullying, From Bullied to Brave
Suffering Optional, Cool Down.
From Now On with Lisa Phillips, THE AMBITION: Where Predators Prey.
🌟 Classifieds
Nothing to promote but still want to support? You can donate here.
thank you so much for the mention! 💕