Welcome to Sounds Like Impact!
This week we have a guest curation from Erica Halverson, host of Arts Educators Save the World and I interview Sarah Christie, the host of Earth Care.
This week’s Sounds Like Impact is sponsored by Sound Sorceresses!
is a quarterly magazine that manifests what women are already amazing at, creating joy out of pain. In cultures around the world, we are the keepers and tellers of stories. It’s through our words - written or spoken - that values are passed down. Join us as a subscriber or as a writer!ICYMI: Last edition we had a guest curation from Payne Lindsey of Up and Vanished podcast and I interviewed June Neely from Story for Good podcast.
#SoundsLikeImpact Community:
, host of Please Hustle Responsibly, is making a documentary film about people of color and nature-based recreation. If interested supporting, their funding campaign closes on the May 21.DYK: Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week in the U.S.! Check out these previous curations on the state of education: On K-12 | On Higher Ed
Good news! Grist acquired The Counter, an investigative news publication about food systems in the U.S. that closed in 2022 due to funding shortfall. I first learned about them thanks to Jessica Terrell, the host of Left Over podcast.
Reminder: To guest curate, be interviewed, advertise and more, click here.
🎧 #AudioForAction Guest Curation: Erica Halverson
Arts Education Matters
One of the most impactful ways we can uplift the value of the arts in young peoples' lives is to uplift the contributions of the mentors who inspire us to become the most creative and joyful versions of ourselves...our arts teachers! This curation explores the state of arts education in our public system and highlights the contributions of some of the artists, educators, and leaders who make arts learning possible for all students. We know that the arts matter to create a dynamic, thoughtful society and we know that education is the best mechanism we have for working with all people. Arts education can truly save the world!
-Erica Halverson, Host of Arts Educators Save the World
Follow @artseducatorspodcast and @erhalverson on Instagram.

Arts Educators Save The World, Kate Baldwin & Craig Kienzle
Play On Podcasts, Dorcas Leung on her role as Juliet
CI to Eye Podcast, New Research: Arts Education Sparks Innovation, Optimism, & Resilience: Courtney J. Boddie and Russell Granet
How Art is Born, The value of having diverse work experience, and the impact of having good mentors and support systems with artist Gregg Deal
The Week in Art, Special: is art education in crisis? Featuring Bob and Roberta Smith
🚨 Calls to Action
From Erica
Learn: The State of Arts Education - Learn about what kinds of arts learning opportunities are available in your community through your public education system and outside of schools.
Advocate: For increased funding for these opportunities so that they can be accessible to all students. Write to your local and state politicians to express your support for arts education in your community.
Read: How the Arts Can Save Education, a book dedicated to how arts practices can transform how we teach, how we learn, and how we design learning experiences to benefit all kids.
From Ayo
Support: Americans for the Arts is a national advocacy organization for arts education.
If you are in the New York area, New York City Arts in Education Roundtable (NYCAiER) does arts ed advocacy and supports local administrators and teaching artists with professional development opportunities and other resources. (Disclosure: I am a board member of NYCAiER).
📣 Spotlight

Sarah Christie (she/her/hers), creator and host of Earth Care podcast and National Music Manager for Virgin Radio, launched Earth Care in 2021. Earth Care is a short-form interview series where Sarah engages with experts to explore actionable steps for saving the planet. Sarah's dedication to environmental advocacy and love for live music joined together with the 2023 launch of the #FansChooseToReuse pledge. Through Earth Care and the #FansChooseToReuse campaign, Sarah Christie is on a mission to empower individuals with practical and inclusive climate solutions, striving to make a tangible difference in protecting our planet.
The music industry is truly one of the most influential, if not the most influential industry. Artists have access to platforms that the average person doesn’t, whether this is their online platform or the stage when everyone is listening. They have a superpower in communication. Both artists and creators know how to tell a story and bring people together with their art. Those two qualities create endless opportunity to foster awareness and influence positive change for the environment.
Learn more about Sarah, and how the music industry can be a force for climate advocacy by reading our interview.
🌟 Classifieds
Nothing to promote but still want to support? You can donate here.
Thank you so much for sharing the crowdfunding campaign!